100% analogical photography


An original and timeless perspective on people, places, objects, colours, shapes and architectures...


Andrea Angeletti is a free lance photographer, his work has been featured in numerous group exhibitions of visual art


The images constantly created on this web site are just a few examples of the wide choice of colour and black & white photographs available


Fine Art Photography

an aesthetic intention where values lie in their beauty…where the visual impact is the important ingredient
...a lens-based art that goes beyond capturing reality… lends the imaginative and irrational the weight of objective art
...“the" form of modern art… part real… part imagination
…captivating…unleashes the subconscious… it can cause out loud laughter
...the means for complex weavings of ideal and real


…images to stir the soul

…when details are the 'punctum' that pricks the viewer with a woundlike sensation
...the 'aura' of an original work of art destroyed…universally enjoyed art through a simulacrum
…the possibility of a divestment of cultural power…a revolution
...captures a contrived or deliberate moment of reality
…the deliberateness that contains the artistic kernel…the ability to fix a moment and turn it into viewable image of beauty

  • rent

    one and many images of your or our choice rotate within your daily environments when you rent our photographs :  lumpsum prices basis the number of images, duration of rental period and time frames options - request more information through our contact page

  • shop

    every photograph is available for sale starting from euro 100.00 and can be ordered in almost any size or support ; our suggested dimension though is about 50 cm by 70 cm as deem allows the best fruition no matter where placed - request more information through our contact page

  •  type

    all photographs are exclusively analogical, which means that light goes from the manual lens focus through the negative film within the dark room onto the final prints ... it represents exactly what the mind saw through the eye in that given instant when it made the camera click